Wednesday 25 April 2018

Why I appreciate the birds for waking me up early

Its a sunny spring morning and my normal get up time is 6am.

However the birds have a different plan for me. 5:22 and they are tweeting loudly, so I decide to get up and as I have a plan and tasks to do I'm up and about before my first client at 630.

I'm currently working with Rachel M Starr who's a lyricist in Brisbane and she's just send me lyrics for a new song we are working on together (collaboration). I'd put together a vocal guide ( a version where I sing the song so the 'real' singer in the studio knows how to sing the words) and it needs a mix. I have a shower, finish the mix and have breakfast. Then its time to go see my first client.

So that's why I appreciate the birds. They gave me the opportunity which I embraced.

The opportunity is waiting in moments every day. Including this post.

Have a gread day.

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