Wednesday 25 April 2018

Why I appreciate the birds for waking me up early

Its a sunny spring morning and my normal get up time is 6am.

However the birds have a different plan for me. 5:22 and they are tweeting loudly, so I decide to get up and as I have a plan and tasks to do I'm up and about before my first client at 630.

I'm currently working with Rachel M Starr who's a lyricist in Brisbane and she's just send me lyrics for a new song we are working on together (collaboration). I'd put together a vocal guide ( a version where I sing the song so the 'real' singer in the studio knows how to sing the words) and it needs a mix. I have a shower, finish the mix and have breakfast. Then its time to go see my first client.

So that's why I appreciate the birds. They gave me the opportunity which I embraced.

The opportunity is waiting in moments every day. Including this post.

Have a gread day.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Is Facebook getting in the way of your true purpose?

I've started thinking more about the amount of time I've spent on social media and looking at news.

At a recent studio session with Kris Jenks for the Fade Files, Richie G and me were talking.

Me: Who wants to hear the latest news headline?
Richie G: Oh no - not me. What's happened now.
Me: It won't hurt you.
Kris: I don't bother with watching news, reading newspapers or facebook. I have a facebook for messenger only. There's no point in spending your life and last days worrying about things that don't affect you.
Richie G: News Media is designed to make you come back for more, causing concern and worry.  Engaging in dividing you and your friends' opinions.

The answers my friends had given me were unexpected and profound. I was thinking about what they had said for the next couple of days.

So what to do? The challenge is to be deciding your own fate instead of following the crowd. I've started to change in that every time I'm tempted I write in my blog.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't quit social media, I still use it for my business.

Here's how to still use social media, become a creator and engage with people. People that are interested in what you have to say and come to you.

So, my medium is written word. The occasional audio and rarely any video. That's my niche I suppose. I create a post, blog etc. which is rarely shared from someone else.

Here's 3 rules to help you move forward 

1. Make your own content - use your own thoughts.
Rather than sharing, have your own original thoughts and put them out there. Make them about your plan.

2. Plan your life - write a list, 
make a dreamboard

3. Own your content and website 
Gives you permanence

4. Build a list 
invide people to join you
take their email, phone number, address etc.

(number 4 was a bonus and is really an extension of item 2)

So on an ongoing basis I will be sharing with you my strategies, thoughts, affirmations and hopefully inspire you to
become a beter you.

Please comment below or join me on facebook, linked in or twitter.

Mark N Hopgood

Friday 16 March 2018

Announcing the book - 1001 ideas (volume 1)

As a creative person, I often have many ideas. My music making and software development usually contains my creative abilities, however there are many other areas that I have contributed to my community.

I decided to write a book with many of the ideas I have had so that you may pnder on or even take advamtage of. The book is in 3 parts - a blog, a book soon to be published and a business opportunity.

The book will be entitled 1001 ideas (volume 1) and will also launch the first idea called

"The Money Book" - a book, business and opportunity in one - guaranteed to make you some money and improve your life.

To follow what's happening I will tweet at @1Kplus1

stay posted